Best Hair Epilator capture and remove in one stroke
13 Sep

Best Hair Epilator capture and remove in one stroke

Posted By: Lisa Feezell Anderson Times Read: 1093 Comments: 0

If one day Kim Kardashian forgets to shave her underarm hair and unfortunately, she was photographed by the paparazzi, we will be scornful to such kind of picture. Girl, remove your armpit hair if you don’t want show people your embarrassing unwanted hair when you dress a bikini.


Almost all girls have armpit hair naturally (except maybe those with alopecia). It is completely natural. Shave it if that’s your personal presence, but if you don’t like the negative effects of shaving (dry skin, ingrown hairs, textured skin), don’t worry about other’s opinions and do whatever you’re comfortable with. But if you really care, thinking about to own smooth skin and beauty bodyline, let’s remove the unwanted hair growth.


Recently, CHAINER Hair Epilator occupies my timeline, that all my Facebook friends swear by. Saying that get set for touchably smoother, sexier skin all from the comfort and ease of our own bathroom. I decided to try out this word of mouth hair clipper, when I first eye to this gadget, nothing different compare to other Epilators that sell on Amazon. When I further use it on my leg, something surprises me, it removes my leg hair very quickly and cut out all the unwanted hair growth. There isn’t even a rough hair root. What’s even more amazing is that it really does not hurt the skin. Totally as my friends said. I tried not to use it again within a month, gonna to see the result it will be. And if my leg hair grows quickly like after using other epilators.


Everything out of my expectation, with CHAINER hair epilation, I did get smooth skin that lasts up to 4 weeks. That’s because removing hair from the root means that hair takes longer to grow back than removal. One of my best friends has been using an epilator for over 2yrs, she has really sensitive skin under her arms and bikini area and would always get irritation bumps after shaving. But since epilating, that has become a minimal non-issue. Sometimes, she’ll follow up epilating with Tend Skin (after a day or two…that stuff will sting like a mutha!), which helps with ingrown and other irritations and the itchy/prickly feeling when the hair reaches the surface of the skin when growing. She fancy with CHAINER like me, when I told her, CHAINER release its new arrival, the epilator! She added to her cart without any hesitation. There is no doubt that why she will choose the shaver which more hairs are captured and removed in one stroke, while the revolutionary CHAINER Tweezer Technology with wider, longer, and deeper tweezers increases epilation performance—removing hair 4X shorter than wax does.

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